About Us

Bachat Buddy

The idea of Bachat Buddy started with ever rising need of managing Investor’s personal wealth. We found that lot of material, information, & lots of financial consultants, Robo advisors are available online but still penetration amongst retail investors remain very low due to lack of will to do it personally.  We realize that there is a need of creating a platform which connects investors through personal touch and execute with the use of technology. There are people who have simple goals and they need someone who can help them to achieve their goal by timely suggestions and monitoring.

With few Chartered Accountants Buddy’s we started Bachat Buddy with the aim of guiding people with right approach so they can meet their respective financials goals in life. BACHAT BUDDY IS YOUR ACCOUNTABLE FRIEND TIED BY STRINGS OF KNOWELEDGE ON INVESTING WITH COMMITMENT TO DRIVE RESULTS. We are a group of professional CAs and our endeavour is to become a house hold name in wealth management over period of time. We also help our clients in tax advisory which we feel an integral part of wealth management.

We deal with all the leading mutual funds houses and utilize Mutual funds as a vehicle for wealth creation for clients in the long run. We play a vital role in financial planning for the Individuals by constantly monitoring the portfolio and understanding our investors well.

INVESTORS SIMILAR TO YOUR FRIENDS ARE NOT ALIKE. Every investor has a unique set of goals, aspirations and principles guiding their life. Hence we have a robust process and work closely with unique requirements of every investor. To help us in our mission, we have four underlying principles to guide everything we do.

  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Knowledge
  • Simplicity

We aspire to be an earning member of client’s family and together achieve lifestyle dreams through better wealth management.

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